Water treatment yields treated water – and more renewable gas

The water output of our various industrial processes is repurposed. Bringing the sustainability circle to completion, we treat this waste water on-site through a process known as Anammox (ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation). We also use the water output of several other Darling Ingredients brands located on the same industrial park. The water treatment process yields yet more renewable electricity, as we convert of the organic pollution load in the influent water into biogas.

How does Ecoson produce renewable gas? Find out here.

Feeding flora and fauna with clean waste water through our unique Ecozone

The clean waste water is fed into our Ecozone, a unique, natural cooling basin that connects our plant with its natural surroundings and provides the prefect habitat for numerous plant and animal species. Maintaining biodiversity alongside industrial processes, the Ecozone concept demonstrates that economic and ecological sustainability can co-exist and even augment each other.

Visit our dedicated Facebook page to find out more about the Ecozone